Details zum Landausflug

Historical City, Gold Camp & Salmon Bake

Skagway, Alaska, USA

Historical City, Gold Camp & Salmon Bake


  • 3
    Stunden Geschätzte Dauer
  • Mahlzeit
  • Familienfreundlich
  • Barrierefreiheit

Start your tour in Skagway’s historic downtown area as your guide points out places of interest and regales you with tales of the famous and foolhardy. Wind through streets lined with wooden boardwalks and false fronted buildings en route to Scenic Overlook, Gold Rush Cemetery and Liarsville. Enjoy a dining experience you'll never forget at the Liarsville Gold Rush Trail Camp. Your meal is prepared over an open wood fire using recipes from 1898. Sit down for freshly grilled filet of wild Alaskan salmon, baked chicken, rice pilaf, a variety of salads, baked beans, cornbread, coffee, lemonade and dessert. After your meal gather at the Liarsville Hippodrome where a cast of sourdoughs and dance hall girls will dazzle you with melodrama, recite Robert Service poetry and teach you the art of gold panning. You’re guaranteed to find gold in every pan! Once you've made your fortune, take time to wander through the camp and visit the general store, saloon, bordello and laundry tents to view the antiques and vintage clothing left behind. Be sure to have your picture taken with one of the dance hall girls.

Need to Know:

Note: Guests who go ashore do so with the understanding that they will be mixing with members of the general public. Lift buses are not able to accommodate Motorized Scooters, however manual wheelchairs can be used.

Das sind die



Lokale Verkostung und Weinprobe


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve walking over relatively level terrain, possibly some cobblestone, gravel, or a few steps. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
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